martes, 21 de junio de 2016

My ideal job

Hello Blogheads! what a long time! I know, I know, I have been some busy with other matters. Ok, let's begining: today I wanna writte about a job I would love to do. Talking about works, I'm right now at home (on Easter Island) working for my parents, I have been from baby sitter to secretary.
Ok. Ok, let's go on our way, I really love animals, everyone. Specially, horses, dogs and rabbits (In  fact I have two dogs and a rabbit called Mocca) but my favorite is horses, so I would really love work at a riding horse center. I would love to brush them, feeding them, bath them, everything (also ride them, of course haha). I have loved horses since I was born, when I was a child I drew them every time). Im a person with a lot of animal chemistery , they look at me and come to me for hugs and kisses, and, on my way, I really enjoy do this.
I dont have a person who inspired me to want to do this with my life, but my inspiration is myself, my unbelievable relatioship with animals and their great confidence in me. I think I could to this job well because Im a very patient person, I love animals and love get my hands on a furry little head ( or maybe plumed head) for caress it...
Its a perfect Job for me, well, in fact, everything which have animals is perfect for me. I hope someday find a Job related with animals, when they can be respected, loved, and cared

.I wanna something like this :D

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