miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

L'Italia , la culla della cultura

Venecia, Roma, Milán, oh, what incredibles cities to visit someday! 

Hi friends, today I wanna write about Italia, culture's gradle " L'Italia , la culla della cultura"
What a wonderfull country, guys. Italia is simply amazing...
I'd like to visit Italia 'cause, well, How can I start counting?
Rome... The roman empire... I'd really like to know where's the physical place which roman empire was born 'n' grew up.
Venecia, The water on city... Its architecture, its floating buildings, its walls with green moss and such pleasant melancholy.
Italian language....  Does exist another language more lovely than Italian? No signore, non credo.Im a girl in love with the love, anything lovely its wonderfull for me.
"la mia bella principessa".. if some italian boy tell me this, I marry him hahaha. Talking seriously, italian people are very attractive. One more reason to go there.

I would like to go to Italia with my  all family: mom, daddy, my sister and my little niece. Mom and Dad are big culture lovers, just like me. They would love to go again to Italia. Yes, they already went to, but I couldn't go with them.. I hate them for this hahaha, someday I will have my rematch.
In Italia I would like to visit the Coliseum ruins in Rome. I would go to Milán for some fashion parade and in Venecia I would like to stay as long as possible and if it is possible , stay there for life hahaha. I would like to visit the Vaticano citi too, Im not a Catholic girl, no yet a person who trust in church, but Vaticano has something in its building infrastructure which makes you fall in love....

I will left you some pictures :D

This is the beautifull Venecia  

Vaticano city

Roman Coliseum ruines!

1 comentario:

  1. Buongiorno Barbara. I agree. Italy is an amazing country. I have spent most time in the South (Sicily, Naples, etc) but I've also been to Venice and passed thropugh Turin & Milan. Wonderful people, wonderful food, amazing architecture, beautiful people, etc, etc.
