miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

"Serrano" Glacier, one of most beautifull places you can see in this life.

Hi dear classmates, Today I will talk about a place I went on holidays and left a mark on my heart: Southern Patagonia, to be exact, Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales. There are  two of  most  important glaciers existent on Chile: Serrano and Balmaceda. 

I went there on September  of 2014 with my aunt and my daddy, my aunt wanted to know Chile because she´s foreign and Dad and me  thought that Southern Patagonia was a nice place  to visit. 
On Puerto Natales, a little port of suthern Chile, we take a boat which took us through "Ultima Esperanza" fjord, after an hour of travel we saw a big dogh of white and light blue ice, it was Balmaceda Glacier, we couldn't stop there 'cause there's no port, but boat stopped a moment for taking photos. After, we arrived on a insula which was at back of glacier. 
After one hour of trekking skirting a big hill, and seeing a lot of wonderfull things on the way, like waterfalls and exotic birds,  we arrived at most beautifull place on the earth: Serrano Glacier and its lake, product of glacier's  slow melting. that place was like heaven: a deep blue sky contrasting with white and light blue's glacier and a green lake on their feet. 
I still remember it... the place when sky join earth. I will never forget it. One of my most beautiful and short  holidays hahaha. 

Regards Geobloggers!  :D 

Aunt Yanira and me on Serrano Glacier. 

Dad and me on Serrano Glacier. 

We on "Ultima Esperanza" fjord

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