miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

My favorite outdoor activity

Hi guys, how are you? Fine? Great! :D
Today I will talk about  my favorite outdoor activity: Riding horses. I rode a horse by the first time when I was 6 years old. It was on Easter Island -my old home- with my dad, the horse was property of a daddy's friend and his name was "Varua", that means "Espíritu" on Rapa Nui language. Since that moment I could't love  horses more, I have ridden all my life, I
 have gone to Anakena Beach (on easter Island) by horse and arround all Easter Island countryside, the place when there's no hause or road, just grass, hills and ownerless animals. 
I like riding because  you feel a deep conection with your soul and horse's soul, you're just one person on two bodys. You have 4 legs and can run as fast as wind. you can know what horse is feeling through his breathing, and if horse smells your hand, it means you have their confidence and he trust on you. Is a wonderful feeling. 

Here on Santiago de Chile is impossible to ride a horse, I must to go to university, do my homeworks, etc.  but as I can, I ride anyone on beach when I can go there :D

Here's some picture of my horse "Tatane" who's on Easter Island, and some pictures of me riding horses on the beach, I hope u like! :)


miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

"Serrano" Glacier, one of most beautifull places you can see in this life.

Hi dear classmates, Today I will talk about a place I went on holidays and left a mark on my heart: Southern Patagonia, to be exact, Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales. There are  two of  most  important glaciers existent on Chile: Serrano and Balmaceda. 

I went there on September  of 2014 with my aunt and my daddy, my aunt wanted to know Chile because she´s foreign and Dad and me  thought that Southern Patagonia was a nice place  to visit. 
On Puerto Natales, a little port of suthern Chile, we take a boat which took us through "Ultima Esperanza" fjord, after an hour of travel we saw a big dogh of white and light blue ice, it was Balmaceda Glacier, we couldn't stop there 'cause there's no port, but boat stopped a moment for taking photos. After, we arrived on a insula which was at back of glacier. 
After one hour of trekking skirting a big hill, and seeing a lot of wonderfull things on the way, like waterfalls and exotic birds,  we arrived at most beautifull place on the earth: Serrano Glacier and its lake, product of glacier's  slow melting. that place was like heaven: a deep blue sky contrasting with white and light blue's glacier and a green lake on their feet. 
I still remember it... the place when sky join earth. I will never forget it. One of my most beautiful and short  holidays hahaha. 

Regards Geobloggers!  :D 

Aunt Yanira and me on Serrano Glacier. 

Dad and me on Serrano Glacier. 

We on "Ultima Esperanza" fjord

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

Song time!

Today I will  write  about a song I would like to listenig on this moment. For this purpose, I chose the song "The longest night" by Men At Work, my favorite band in whole world.  Men at work was an australian band,  was born on 80's and reached international sucess with many grammys and fame. Its members was: Colin Hay on principal voice, Jerry Speiser on battery and Ron Strykert on guitar. After appears Greg Ham  and John Rees. They were the glorious Men At Work.
The song I chose, was because its remember me my older brother, Sebastián. He lives in other city, far away from here. He showed me this song on first time  when I was 14 years old. Since this moment, we listened all Men at work albums meanwhile we played on computer or worked in our family bussines. This particular song liked to my brother, and everytime I listen it, its remember me happy moments with him. 
Here I left you a link with the song, I'm sure when you listen it, you will love it. The more I lisent it, the more I love it. 

martes, 15 de marzo de 2016


He's Jorge. Is my Doggy. Well, one of them. 
He was a street dog, He came home for himself, looking for some watter and food. At the time I saw it, I couldn't let him go... He was so skinny, he walked limping and had worn teeth. 
Me and mom took him to the vet and he said us that Jorge had approximately three years old, the doctor put him  some vaccines and vitamins and from this  moment Jorge stole my heart. With his brother   "Talurbido" -my other doggy, which I brought up  since a puppy-, we went for a walk often, ate ice cream, went to the beach and slept  the three together on  hause grass. 
Now I'm mom of two cute dogs, they are my best friends, my bodyguards and my confidants. I love them with all my heart. They are my life and I wouldn't change him for nothing. 
My two babies 
Me and Jorge, when we met us.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016


Me, in Tapati Rapa Nui 2016. From Easter Island, Chile. 

Hi GEO bloggers,

As you know, my name is Bárbara, Bárbara Alejandra.

 I think, just think, that I'm in third year of university, Witing for this wonderfull moment that they say: "take, here is your 'diploma'".

meanwhile, I like drawing, painting, and palying with my little bunny "Mocca". I'm 21 years old, not for much longer, but still.

I really love tea cups, the rain on the night and talk by telephone with my best friend José.

Narcissism is not my thing, but I put a picture about me, cause I think you'are curious to know how am I. Just like me about you :)

Nice to meet you, boys!! I really  hope you read my blogg! :)