martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016

Racism and sexism: the worst feature of mankind

Racism and sexism together are the worst feature of mankind.
In first place, racism and sexism are a kind of social exclusion, because you feel yourself  superior than other persons just because they have another skin color or another gender, and you enjoy letting  them to know that you are "better". For example, I've heard people telling they don't want to travel by bus/ taxy/ subway/ etc, next to black skin people, because they "shouldn’t be with white people". Considering that average chilean people is not blond hair with blue eyes, that's a stupid reasoning.

In addition, sexism and racism are horribles kind of violence: you feel yourself with the right to mistreat /to force /to bully someone just because that person has a different skin color than yours.  For example, since three weeks ago, a Monday in the morning, I was walking on my way to take the subway, and in front of me came walking a beautiful afro-descendant girl, who was fully dressed with school uniform. There was a building in this street and men working on. when they saw her, they started to shouting at her a lot of xenophobic and sexist phrases, allowing to her body, her hair, her skin color, etc. The girl became intimidated: she started to walk very fast and she covered her ears. She wanted to disappear.

Finally, racism and sexism are weapons that politics use to deal with each others. I mean, together we are stronger, but separated we are weak, and that is what they want to: make us weak to keep enslaving us and continue plundering Latin America, Africa and Asia Minor.
In conclusion, racism and sexism should be eliminated from our society right now, forever and ever.

Resultado de imagen para acoso callejero contra mujeres de raza negra

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

José, a very special person

My friend José is a very special person. In first place, he’s a excellent person, he’s a sweet, kind boy and is always in a good mood and with a smile in his mouth, and he’s always trying to raise up my spirit and to whoever what is around him. In addition, he’s a very good friend, is always trying to help his friends and meeting people, just like me. He loves to talk  with people and know them, we used to do that in parties, it was great.  Finally, he’s a spontaneous person: what I mean, he’s a funny, lovely boy, he’s always making plans and meetings. All his plans are Incredibles and very funny. He’s all of that and much more. 

 In conclusion, he’s a complete man. I think that is the reason why José is my best friend since three years ago.

José and me in Nacional holidays in September 2014

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

The best holiday I’ve ever had: Easter Island

My trip to Easter Island in  winter 2016  was the best holiday I’ve ever had. Firstly, I could stay with my family even when I thought I couldn’t, because we were on strike  at university during the year and my summer holidays would be very short.  Mom someday called me and she said “I have your airplane ticket, you are coming here next week”, I was the happiest girl on  earth. I had  great holidays between a school year haha. Also, I met a lot of interesting persons meanwhile I was working for my parent bussines in Easter Island: I was a part- time  secretary , so I had to talk with lot of people every day, it was very funny. I had the chance to improve my English level and pronunciation because many people came  from England or USA. Finally, I could develop myself as a good  human being, because I took care of two cute puppies which were homeless: I got them and took them to the vet. I  fed them and took care of them since I could found a great family for each one, it was a little difficult for the female puppy, but I did it. I felt really good when it happened.  
Full of love, good food and near to a part of my family which I don't see in all year; no doubts, my trip to Easter Island  last winter was the best holiday I could ever had! :D  

They both are "Lyanna" (the black puppy) and her brother Eddard alias "Ned", my two rescued puppies :)

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Otaku zone fanzine

Hi classmates, today I'm going to talk about a Otaku magazine called "Utaku Zone". Got from my university platform.

I really liked this paper. I dont like to much anime but I really like ironies and parodies hahaha. So I enjoy learning about parodies reviews and honest trailers, But, that's not all. The magazine have some tips for people who like to learn japanese or like gamer bars, also have some tips for places to eat, and a lot of news about Otaku world: singers, exhibitions, news about manga TV series, etc.

As I said, I dont like anime world a lot, but I think It is a good way to keep lovers manga informed. I liked it a lot :D

Regards !!!! :D

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016


Hi GeoBloggers! Today I wanto to write about a PC app for learning english and any other language. Its name is MEMRISE, you can find it in the link bellow

I think Memrise it's a good app to learn english, it's a easy way to practice the language and you can try and try again, how many times as you want, it's a free app, you can enter thought your facebook account. About the methodology, I think that it's a good way to learn english, you learn by repetition: you repeat and repeat again and again and again until you can record the word in your head. Besides, the app make you write de word a lot of times, until you write it correctly. 
I enjoyed a lot using the app, I learned a lot of words and how to say some phrases correctly. I chose the 3rd and 4th course and practiced a lot of words and phrases, like "how to say what time is it correctly" and the difference between some similars words, like fun, funny, etc. 
I think is a very useful learning tool, because it's free, you can access it from any computer with internet, is not necesary to pay for a english classroom course if you can't pay it. You can practice how many times you want and it never will tell you "Stop, is enough for today. You can't practice more".
I want to envite everyone to take a look at the application. If you want to learn english, try it using this app. It's a free and funny way to learn english. 

Regards geobloggers! See you next time!  

Here is a picture of my  performance in the English course 4 :D