miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Otaku zone fanzine

Hi classmates, today I'm going to talk about a Otaku magazine called "Utaku Zone". Got from my university platform.

I really liked this paper. I dont like to much anime but I really like ironies and parodies hahaha. So I enjoy learning about parodies reviews and honest trailers, But, that's not all. The magazine have some tips for people who like to learn japanese or like gamer bars, also have some tips for places to eat, and a lot of news about Otaku world: singers, exhibitions, news about manga TV series, etc.

As I said, I dont like anime world a lot, but I think It is a good way to keep lovers manga informed. I liked it a lot :D

Regards !!!! :D

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016


Hi GeoBloggers! Today I wanto to write about a PC app for learning english and any other language. Its name is MEMRISE, you can find it in the link bellow 

I think Memrise it's a good app to learn english, it's a easy way to practice the language and you can try and try again, how many times as you want, it's a free app, you can enter thought your facebook account. About the methodology, I think that it's a good way to learn english, you learn by repetition: you repeat and repeat again and again and again until you can record the word in your head. Besides, the app make you write de word a lot of times, until you write it correctly. 
I enjoyed a lot using the app, I learned a lot of words and how to say some phrases correctly. I chose the 3rd and 4th course and practiced a lot of words and phrases, like "how to say what time is it correctly" and the difference between some similars words, like fun, funny, etc. 
I think is a very useful learning tool, because it's free, you can access it from any computer with internet, is not necesary to pay for a english classroom course if you can't pay it. You can practice how many times you want and it never will tell you "Stop, is enough for today. You can't practice more".
I want to envite everyone to take a look at the application. If you want to learn english, try it using this app. It's a free and funny way to learn english. 

Regards geobloggers! See you next time!  

Here is a picture of my  performance in the English course 4 :D